Paternal Authorization

The paternal authorization allowing children under age to travel with their mother can be issued to Algerian registered with the Embassy.

The documents to be produced include the following :

  • a handwritten application through which the father hands over his power to the mother
  • 2 recent photographs of same print of the child
  • a bank transfer of $ US 0,5.
    • Nationals not residing in Jakarta should allow a prepaid envelope for the return of their documents or pay the delivery fees by DHL plus US$ 5,- for bank commission. The delivery fees are :  US$ 25,- for Brunei Darussalam, US$ 25,- for Singapore. Nationals are also free to choose any other delivery company.The payment should be made by bank transfer to : Bank Mandiri, Embassy of Algeria in Jakarta, Acc. No. in US$ 124.00.555.66658, Gedung Menara Palma, JI. HR.Rasuna Said Blok X2 Kav.6, Setiabudi, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia. Swift Code: BMRIIDJA
  • Please avoid using check or draft-check.

The paternal authorization has three months validity as of the establishment date.

Download Form Paternal Authorization