Located in the heart of North Africa, Algeria covers an area of 2.381.741 km2 and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the North, Morocco, Sahrawi Arab Republic and Mauritania on the West, Mali and Niger on the South, Libya and Tunisia on the East.
Crossroad of three worlds, Arab, African and Mediterranean, center of arts and civilization, Algeria has been all along its history a welcoming country of meeting and exchanges.
The largest country in Africa and the tenth largest in the world, Algeria is a spectacular
land of dramatic geographic and climatic contrasts where the beauty of the Mediterranean landscape is contiguous to the majestic spaces of the Sahara.
A south Mediterranean country with common borders with seven countries, Algeria occupies undeniably a privileged geographic position in front of European and African Markets.
Its population currently stands at 42 million inhabitants. Agriculture and industrial activities are concentrated in the northern part of the country while the Sahara in the southern part is rich
in natural resources and hydrocarbons.
Algeria is a major world producer of natural gas and has been classified in the recent years as the first oil discoverer. Its non-hydrocarbon exports include phosphate, iron, zinc, mercury, salt, marble, industrial equipment and agricultural products.
A vast program of economic reforms has been launched in order to liberalize the economy and promote foreign investments. Its geographic location, huge economic potentials and rich natural resources are some of the valuable advantages, which make Algeria an emerging market and an attractive and truly rewarding investment site.
Composition of the current government
- Nadir Larbaoui, Prime Minister
- Saïd Chanegriha, Minister Delegate to the Minister of National Defense, Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army
- Ahmed Attaf, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, National Community Abroad and African Affairs,
- Mohamed Arkab, Minister of State, Minister of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energy
- Brahim Merad, Minister of Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning
- Lotfi Boudjemaa: Minister of Justice, replacing Abderrachid Tabi, who has been assigned to other duties.
- Laaziz Faid, Minister of Finance
- Laïd Rebiga, Minister of Mujahideen and Rightsholders
- Youcef Belmehdi, Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs
- Kamel Baddari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Mohamed Seghir Saadaoui, Minister of National Education
- Yacine El-Mahdi Oualid, Minister of Vocational Training and Education
- Zouhir Ballalou: Minister of Culture and Arts
- Mustapha Hidaoui: Minister of Youth, in charge of the Higher Youth Council
- Walid Sadi, Minister of Sports
- Sid Ali Zerrouki, Minister of Post and Telecommunications
- Soraya Mouloudji, Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs
- Sifi Ghrieb, Minister of Industry
- Youcef Cherfa, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishing
- Mohamed Tarek Belaribi, Minister of Housing, Urban Planning and City
- Mohamed Boukhari: Minister of Foreign Trade and Export Promotion
- Tayeb Zitouni: Minister of Domestic Trade and National Market Regulation
- Mohamed Meziane: Minister of Communication
- Lakhdar Rekhroukh: Minister of Public Works and Basic Infrastructure
- Taha Derbal: Minister of Water Resources
- Saïd Sayoud: Minister of Transport, replacing Mohamed El Habib Zahana, who has been assigned to other duties
- Houria Meddahi: Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts
- Abdelhak Saihi: Minister of Health
- Fayssal Bentaleb: Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security
- Kaoutar Krikou: Minister of Relations with Parliament
- Nadjiba Djilali: Minister of Environment and Quality of Life
- Noureddine Ouadah: Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises
- Fouad Hadji, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Industry, in charge of Pharmaceutical Production
- Sofiane Chaib: Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of National Community Abroad
- Selma Bakhta Mansouri: Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of African Affairs
- Karima Tafer: Secretary of State to the Minister of Energy, in charge of Mines
- Noureddine Yassaa: Secretary of State to the Minister of Energy, in charge of Renewable Energy
- Yahia Boukhari: Secretary General of the Government
For your information:
Independence Day : July 5, 1962
National Holiday : November 1st (Anniversary of the 1954 Revolution)
Algerian Constitution was first adopted by a referendum in 1963, revised by referendum on November 28, 1996, modified in 2008 and replaced by 2016 Constitution.
Capital City : Algiers (3 million inhabitants)
National Languages : Arabic & Tamazight
Working foreign Languages: French & English
Climate : Mediterranean in the North/ warmer and drier in the South
Religion : Islam is the religion of the State
Currency : 01 Algerian Dinar (AD) = one hundred centimes
Exchange rate : 1 US $ = 133 DA
Local Time : G.M.T. + 1
Telephone code : +213/ city code
The most important cities:
Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Ouargla, Annaba, Tlemcen, Setif, Tamanrasset, Bejaia, Bechar, Tizi-Ouzou, Batna, Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Mostaganem, Tiaret and Mascara.
Algiers, Oran, Arzew, Annaba, Skikda, Bejaia, Ghazaouet, Jijel, Mostaganem, Beni-Saf, Tenes, Dellys.
Sea transport: 90 million tons
Airports :
– International Airports:
Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Bejaia, Batna, Biskra, Setif, Tlemcen, Tamanrasset, Hassi-Messaoud.
– National Airports:
Tebessa, Biskra, Bechar, In Amenas, Djanet, El-oued, Ouargla, Ghardaia,
Road network : 100,000 kilometers
Rail network : 5,500 kilometers
Industries: :
Oil refining, Gas Liquefaction, Petro chemistry, Processing industry, Industrial equipments, Electric-Electronic industries, Metallurgy, Iron and Steel, Food, Electricity, Cement, Textile, Mechanical Industry (production of trucks, buses etc…)
Natural Resources :
Petroleum, gas, iron, lead, zinc, phosphates, uranium, gold, diamond, copper, coal, manganese, mercury etc…
Agriculture :
Market gardening, citrus fruits(oranges, mandarins, Clementine, lemons), grapes, olives, dates, pears, apricots, peaches etc…
Forests : 400,000 hectares
Major growth industries with good investment potential :
Hydrocarbon, Petrochemical industries, Electronics, Textile, Tourism industries, Mining industries.
Type of Government | Presidential |
Area | 2.381.741 km² |
Capital | Algiers |
Population | 42 million inhabitants |
Urban population (%) | 55 |
Demographic growth (%) | 2.14 |
Language | Arabic & Tamazight |
Religion | Islam |
GDP Growth (%) | 2.3 |
GDP Per Capita | 4,034 US$ |
Inflation (%) | 6.7 |
Public Debt (%)GDP | 34.9 |
Natural Resources | Oil, gas, iron, phosphate, zinc, Mercury, gold, uranium, salt, marble… |
Currency | Algerian Dinar (DA) |